$lng.register("ENG",{ "TXT_HOURS" : "HOURS", "TXT_MINVALUE" : "MIN", "TXT_DELIVERY" : "DELIVERY", "TXT_PICKUP" : "PICKUP", "TXT_TABLE" : "TABLE", "TXT_ROOM" : "ROOM", "TXT_PAYMENTS" : "PAYMENTS", "TXT_CLOSED" : "CLOSED!", "BTN_LOGIN" : "LOGIN", "BTN_LOGOUT" : "LOGOUT", "BTN_YES" : "YES", "BTN_NO" : "NO", "TXT_UNAVAILABLE" : "The store is temporary closed!", "TXT_WRONGPARAMS" : "The link is not valid!", "TXT_EXC" : "Problem!", "TXT_USR" : "Account", "TXT_FACEBOOK" : "Continue with Facebook", "TXT_NACCOUNT" : "Create Account", "TXT_LOGIN" : "LOGIN", "TXT_WRONG" : "Login username or password is not correct!", "TXT_FORGOTPASS" : "Forgot password", "TXT_NOSMS" : "You have not verified the sms token!", "TXT_SMSVERIFY" : "Verify token", "TXT_ME" : "My profile", "TXT_EPASS" : "Change password", "TXT_ADDR" : "My addresses", "TXT_TOKENS" : "Payment cards", "TXT_HIST" : "Order history", "TXT_LCARDS" : "Loyalty cards", "TXT_NAME" : "Name", "TXT_MOBILE" : "Mobile", "TXT_NOMOBILE" : "Mobile phone is not valid!", "TXT_PHONE" : "Phone", "TXT_NOPHONE" : "Phone number is not valid!", "TXT_NOTIFYES" : "Allow notifications and offers", "TXT_UME" : "Update your profile with the above changes.", "TXT_UPDATE" : "Update", "TXT_REORDER" : "Reorder", "TXT_FAV" : "Favorite", "TXT_NEWCODE" : "New password", "TXT_XRETYPE" : "Confirm new password", "TXT_CHANGEPASS" : "Change your password.", "TXT_UTK" : "Confirm the token you received in sms!", "TXT_CONFIRM" : "Confirm", "TXT_SMSOK" : "Confirmed.

Please press SEND!
", "TXT_SMSXX" : "Wrong sms token!", "TXT_UCT" : "Delete the link with your payment card.", "TXT_DELETE" : "Delete", "TXT_CARD" : "Card", "TXT_ULC" : "Link a loyalty card with your profile!", "TXT_LINK" : "Link", "TXT_SEND" : "Send", "TXT_FORMOBILE" : "A verification token will be sent to your mobile phone.", "TXT_TOKEN" : "Token", "TXT_FORSMS" : "Enter the verification token that you received in your mobile phone.", "TXT_REGISTRATION" : "Registration", "TXT_PASS" : "Password", "TXT_UPL" : "Your password must be at least 8 characters!", "TXT_ADDRESS" : "Address", "TXT_AOR" : "Your address is out of store's range!", "TXT_AOB" : "Your address is inside the store's service area!", "TXT_ACCEPTTERMS" : "With your registration you accept the terms of use!", "TXT_REG" : "Register", "TXT_NOFLOOR" : "You have not entered the floor!", "TXT_NOMINVALUE" : "You have not reached the minimun order value!", "TXT_NOSTORE" : "No store is selected!", "TXT_LOGINFORCASH" : "In order to pay with cash you have to login!", "TXT_NOSTOPAY" : "The specific store does not accept this payment method!", "TXT_TERMS" : "Terms of use", "TXT_PRIVACY" : "Privacy policy", "TXT_SELADDRESS" : "Type your address and select...", "TXT_STREET" : "Street", "TXT_NUMBER" : "Number", "TXT_TOWN" : "Town", "TXT_ZIPCODE" : "Zipcode", "TXT_APART" : "Floor", "TXT_NOTES" : "Notes", "TXT_NONR" : "The address does not have a number!", "TXT_SELADDRESS" : "Select your address!", "TXT_VERI" : "Press continue to verify the address!", "TXT_CONT" : "Continue", "TXT_ADDADDRESS" : "Add a new address to order from another location.", "TXT_NEWADDRESS" : "New address", "TXT_DELADDRESS" : "Delete address", "TXT_DISPATCHING" : "Sending order...", "TXT_TRACKING" : "Order status", "TXT_CHECKING" : "Checking...", "TXT_DONE" : "Completed!", "TXT_DISPATCH" : "Send order", "TXT_TAKEAWAY" : "Pickup order from store!", "TXT_COUPON" : "Coupon", "TXT_GCCODE" : "Code", "TXT_GCENTER" : "Enter coupon code...", "TXT_GCAPPLY" : "The coupon is applied", "TXT_GCABORT" : "The coupon is not applied", "TXT_LOPLAN" : "Loyalty plan", "TXT_LOYOU" : "You have collected", "TXT_LOPOINTS" : "points", "TXT_LOSEL" : "Select loyalty plan...", "TXT_TIP" : "Tip", "TXT_HOWTOPAY" : "Payment method", "TXT_CASH" : "CASH", "TXT_TERMINAL" : "CARD ON DELIVERY", "TXT_NOONLINE" : "Online payment is currently not available!", "TXT_DATA" : "Notes", "TXT_SENDORDER" : "SEND", "TXT_ΜΥORDER" : "My order", "TXT_UKNOWN" : "(no-login)", "TXT_NOADDRESS" : "(no-address)", "TXT_PEOPLE" : "People", "TXT_ENTERPEOPLE" : "Please enter number of people!", "TXT_WITHOUT" : "WITHOUT", "TXT_IDELI" : "The order will be delivered at your address.", "TXT_IAWAY" : "Don't forget to pickup your order from the store!", "TXT_IFAST" : "Please pick your order from the cashier!", "TXT_IWAIT" : "Please wait to get your order!", "TXT_IHOST" : "The order will be delivered at your table!", "TXT_TOTAL" : "Total", "TXT_INCLUDED" : "Included", "TXT_COMMENTS" : "Special Instructions", "TXT_OUROFFERS" : "Select from our offers!", "TXT_OFFER" : "OFFER", "TXT_CANCELOFFER" : "CANCEL OFFER", "TXT_ACCEPTOFFER" : "ACCEPT OFFER", "TXT_OSEL" : "You have selected", "TXT_OFRM" : "from", "TXT_OPCS" : "pcs", "BTN_CHECKOUT" : "GOTO CHECKOUT...", "BTN_ISCLOSED" : "THE STORE IS CLOSED!", "BTN_CLEARALL" : "CLEAR", "TXT_CLEARALL" : "Remove all products from basket?", "BTN_CANCEL" : "Cancel", "BTN_ADD" : "ADD", "BTN_DEL" : "CHANGE", "x" : "x"} );